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Anzer Plateau : Anzer Plateau : Anzer is the highest plateau of Rize, which is 90 km away from the center of the rize and the altitude is 3100 m . Due to the height of Anzer plateau and the absence of plants or arboreal plants in the plateau, naturally caused climate conditions to be more different than the other plateaus.

Çiçekliköy of Anzer Plateau starting from 1800 m and Anzer ballıköy plateau 3100 m When we examine the border areas up to the heighest part and forest vegetation is not found in the pleteau. The flora of Anzer variety consists of wild flower and herbaceous plants. Endemic taxa are abundant.

In addition, especially in our village, the world has no precedent in the wild flower flora cover anzer, English-German botanical researches shows us that there are 450-500 varieties of flowers and 80-90 of these are endemic flowers are grown only in the anzer and these flowers are combine the most famuous honey of the world.

Besides the presence of hundreds of flowering plants that are loved by bees in the flora of Anzer plateau, the absence of plants such as chestnut, linden, acacia and rhododendron and arboreal plants increases the quality of Anzer honey.

Winters in Anzer are long, cold and snowy. the summers are short rainy and cold. Due to the cold climate of our plateau, honey production also changes according to the suitability of weather conditions.

according to each of the blossom flora changes with the rate of rain in the spring, summers are hot and sunny due to weather conditions of the Anzer honey yield rate is increasing. However, in late spring or summer honey production increases but with the ice and cold snowy weather production rate decreases. Due to such negative reasons, the bee genus preferred by our beekeepers in Anzer to increase honey production and production quality . Our beekeeperes prefere pure Caucasian or Caucasian hybrid bees.

These bee species have many superior properties in honey making compared to other breeds.

• For example :
• Resistant to coldness,
• Lengths of their tounges,
• Low honey consumption,
• Taking too much honey,
• There are many superior features such as being well behave

Although there are professional beekeepers in the Anzer plateau. Beekeeping is usually done by our villagers in an amateurish way.

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