Honey Candle
Structure of Wax :
Beeswax is a bee product secreted by candle glands in the last 4 pairs of abdominal rings of young worker bees of 2-3 weeks, solidified as a result of contact with air as it emerges from the abdominal rings and becomes white at the moment of secretion and then darkens. Although the wax does not dissolve in water, it dissolves in ether and chloroform. It is synthesized from carbohydrates found in honey. the bees
Wax secreting bees first eat honey and then secrete waxes by forming chain-shaped clusters at 35 ° C. The wax pulp is transferred from the abdominal rings to the chin with the feet. The wax processed in the jaw is used for knitting and making honeycomb.
Chemical structure; alkali esters (72%), free fatty acids (14%), hydrocarbons (11%), free alcohols (1%) and unknown substances (2%).The melting temperature is 62-65 oC and the density is 0.95. Therefore, it is collected on water when melted.
2. Wax Production:
It is a more important than honey especially in Africa, Central and South America. Wax production is conventionally carried out by melting the honeycomb crumbs in hot water and transferring the mixture to another container, whereby the solid mass formed during cooling process of the wax collected on the water is obtained.
Also, solar powered wax melting containers can be used. Melting old brown combs into wax is a process that should not be neglected in terms of disease control.
Tag: beeswax, anzer beeswax, beeswax production, anzer honey wax, beeswax benefits, beeswax use, beeswax benefits, beeswax losses,

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