What is Anzer Pollen

What is Anzer Pollen?
Pollens are the reproductive cells of the plants where bees move around the thousands of flowers in the Anzer plateau and carry them with their hind legs and store them in the honeycomb pores to meet the hive's to feed their young. Anzer plateau which have a thousand kinds of flowers also surrounded by endemic flowers and the causacian bees which collect the pollen from those special flowers then carry them to their hives.
Anzer Pollen is a food with high nutritional value in terms of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. In addition, Anzer pollen is a much higher quality product compared to other pollen because it consists of 1000 sorts of flowers and endemic taxa which are unique in the world.
Pollen Production:Pollen is collected using pollen traps. The pollen carried by the bees passing through the traps, which can be mounted to the hive inlet in different ways, accumulates in the trap chamber. The pollen accumulated in the reservoir is discharged at intervals of 1-2 days and dried in drying cabinets at a temperature not exceeding 42 ° C and the water rate is reduced to 7-8%. The pollen, which is then passed through sieves and cleaned, is packaged in an airtight manner and stored at room temperature for storage for up to 6 months in cold environment for longer periods of storage. Dried and cleaned pollen to be stored in the freezer for a long time.
Experiments on pollen have shown that pollen collection does not have a significant negative effect on the development of the colony and consequently on honey production.
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