How Anzer Honey is produced
How to produce Anzer honey?
Beekeepers of Anzer honey plateau are able to produce Anzer honey between the 15th and 20th of August by bringing their hives from the first weekof May to 20- to 25th of June. Anzer honey production is carried out in fenni hives. After the harvesting process of Anzer honey produced, Anzer honeyis taken from the honey hives by milking the liquid. Anzer honey is rarely produced with the honeycomb.
The reason why honeycomb honey is not taken or producing is because there is not enough honey to fill 3 KG frame in Anzer plateau.
During the most productive time of the year, the amount of honey from a hive varies between 2 and 10 KG and sometime it seen that there is no production during periods of low yieldIn a normal season, Anzer honey can be produced between 1 KG and 5 KG from a barrel on Anzer plateau.
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